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Your HCG Diet Plan Sources

A suitable HCG diet plan plays a crucial role in the in the success of a HCG weight-loss program. Like other weight loss diets, it's focused on providing the dieter with adequate nutrients needed to keep his body running property while he is undergoing the diet program. But the HCG diet is distinct from other diets as it is not solely concerned with nutrition or reducing calorie intake, it also performs another very important task - activate the powers of the HCG hormone to enhance the fat burning ability of the body's metabolic process.

The HCG diet has three phases: 1. Preparatory phase, (2) Calorie Starved phase, (3) Maintenance phase. This means the dieter has to prepare three diet plans.
There's really nothing special with the first stage diet. It is mainly about preparing the body for the second phase. Some body cleansing are to be done and some physical exercises. This is the easiest phase of the program. Dieters can skip this and go straight to next phase without endangering the quality of over-all program results.

The first three days of phase two will be spent on loading up on calories. The additional calories from this will be used to augment the stocks of calories of the body ensuring he does not run out of energy during the calorie starved period. The calorie starved period covers 23 days. Meals are mostly protein and fibers and great amounts of liquid. There is a good reason why this diet is recommended. The protein will be helpful in building muscle mass while the fiber and liquids for detoxifying the body of accumulated toxins.

The third phase diet is the maintenance. This diet takes over on the 27th day. The dieter who is expected to have lost all the stored fats in his body is now allowed some fats and starch. But his weight will be closely monitored. Should he display signs of regaining what he has previously lost, then, he cuts back on the calories.

Preparing an appropriate HCG diet plan for each of the phases is not at difficult. Dieters do not actually have to take special studies just so they will be able to come up with the right ones. There is Dr. Simeons original diet recipe which can be accessed through the HCG websites. For the other stages there is Kevin Trudeau's diet which can also be obtained through the web.

The diet provided by Dr. Simeons is decidedly limited. Kevin Trudeau's diet provides wider range of choices. Out of these recipes it is possible for the dieter to develop his own which satisfies the calorie requirement and his taste as well.